date:2024-04-30 01:55:58 人气:34



PAS4D "officals over their sympathy for the people " over在例句中是什么...
相比之下,"to the people" 中的 "to" 表示动作的方向,即政府的感受流向了人民。然而,在这个短语中,"over their sympathy for the people" 的表达方式更常见,因为这种方式可以更清晰地表达政府的感受超过了人民的感受
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but calm has pointed out feminine thought limitation during sympathy.Regardless of being the puritanism principle woman Daoist temple, the feudal ethics moral outlook, has internalized into the feminine own culture c
"officals over their sympathy for the people " over在例句中是什么...
“官方对人民的同情”在这个例句中,“over” 的意思是 “因为” 或 “关于”,表示对于某个主题或情况的看法或态度。在这个例句中使用 “For the People” 表示政府官员对人民的同情和关心,意思是 “为了人民” 或 “
"officals over their sympathy for the people " over在例句中是什么...
在该例句中,"over"是一个介词,表示“关于”、“因为”、“在…方面”等意思。"over their sympathy for the people"可以翻译为“因为他们对人民的同情”。至于为什么用“for”而不是“to”,这是因为“for”可以表示
: JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire For: Affection Returned黄水仙 - 爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报: K: L: LARKSPUR (PINK) - Fickleness燕草(粉色) - 薄情: LILAC -
1.bear. v.承受,具有,支撑,结果实,开花 n.熊 2.board v.上(飞机,船,甲板),寄宿,给提供膳食 n.董事会,木板,甲板 3.boost v.宣扬,加速,提高,支援,偷窃 n.推动,增加 4.bound v.使束缚,使
marge brute 毛利 taux de marge 利率 taux de marque 不好意思这个不是很懂,taux是…率,marque是商标的意思,根据法法字典,taux de marque大致是用来衡量税外的销售价格利润的。
Brute 狂兽人 Mutated Leech 突变体 Shadow Trooper 魔影步兵 Intruder 入侵者 Railgun Trooper 轨道炮兵 Rahn 拉恩 7-31 Bio Trooper 7-31生化部队 Chrono Railgun Trooper 超空间轨道炮兵 Tesla Railgun Trooper 磁能轨道炮兵 Anthrax Rai
Et tu, Brute?Assassinated.~~ Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman Emperor, d. 44 BCI am still alive!Stabbed to death by his own guards - (as reported by Roman historian Tacitus)~~ Gaius Caligula, Roman Emperor, d.41 AD


所谓绿色沙拉指的是只有绿色的蔬菜,如莴苣和黄瓜等凉拌生菜。2、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。3、The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetables.端上的肉配有色拉

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所谓绿色沙拉指的是只有绿色的蔬菜,如莴苣和黄瓜等凉拌生菜。2、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。3、The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetables.端上的肉配有色拉

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1、tempura 英[temˈpʊərə] 美[temˈpʊrə]n. 天麸罗(日本面裹油炸蔬菜或鱼);[例句]Dad: ah, I know tempura. it's a Japanese dish.爸爸:啊,我知道天

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1、tempura 英[temˈpʊərə] 美[temˈpʊrə]n. 天麸罗(日本面裹油炸蔬菜或鱼);[例句]Dad: ah, I know tempura. it's a Japanese dish.爸爸:啊,我知道天

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the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is bai jiu, high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of bai jiu, and some are quite good. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo

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the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is bai jiu, high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of bai jiu, and some are quite good. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo

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干果派 Assorted Nuts Pie 奶油泡芙 Cream Puff 奶油角 Cream Horn 蓝莓松糕 Blueberry Muffin 琳泽蛋糕 Linzer Cake 芒果木司蛋糕 Mango Mousse Cake 黄油蛋糕 Butter Cake 柠檬卷蛋糕 Lemon Roll 栗子蛋糕 Chestnut

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干果派 Assorted Nuts Pie 奶油泡芙 Cream Puff 奶油角 Cream Horn 蓝莓松糕 Blueberry Muffin 琳泽蛋糕 Linzer Cake 芒果木司蛋糕 Mango Mousse Cake 黄油蛋糕 Butter Cake 柠檬卷蛋糕 Lemon Roll 栗子蛋糕 Chestnut

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“Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying de

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“Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying de

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